Kristin Schuchman, Career Counselor

Jul 10, 20182 min

How Vision Boards Help Clients Envision a Better Future

Every month I am consistently again blown away by the ingenious creativity of friends and clients who joined me and my partner in creative crime, Elizabeth Cramer, for our Vision Board Brunch.


Below I share the results of the future-seeking collages, I wanted to share a Ted Talk by Patti Dobrowolski that I think illuminates why this vision board process can pave the way for a brighter future (and why it's so much fun).

With well-honed comic skills, Dobrowolski shares an example that demonstrates the neurological science behind activities like sketching pictures. She explains how drawing and creative engagement draws on the right side of our brain and can shore up our internal resources to fight the overly critical tendencies of our logical left brains.

Our next Vision Board Brunch is Sunday, February 24 from 11am to 1pm at Brightside Space (6018 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR). If you would like more information about this brunch, click here. While it may seem like ethereal collage-making and "crafting nonsense," vision boarding actually can move you towards your goals and objectives since it triggers in our brains a determination to bring these activities to fruition. I like to think of it as a "middle finger" to the left brain's tendency to remain content with the status quo.

My favorite part of the Vision Board Brunch is when everyone stands up and generously shares the "vision" they are attempting to manifest. Take a minute to peruse the vision boards created last Spring. (See above.)

Our next Vision Board Brunch is Sunday, February 24 from 11am to 1pm at Brightside Space. If you would like more information about this brunch, drop me a line at

#VisionBoard #PattiDobrowolski #TedTalkDrawing #VisionBoardBrunch #collageportland #goalsetting
